Monday, March 03, 2008

Free De-Worming Chart from Safe-Guard

Spring is almost upon us, in this part of the world anyway.
I associate spring with new beginnings, organization and cleaning. At this time of year, I like to really make sure that my horse is healthy starting from the inside.

A good de-worming program is paramount for your horse’s health.
In addition to keeping your pastures clean, it is important to keep your horse on a de-worming rotation schedule.

It is best to speak with your vet to determine what type of schedule best meets you and your horse’s needs.
Your vet can run a fecal sample on your horse and you will know without a doubt which type of if any parasite infestation is present in the animal.

For myself I prefer to do an eight-week rotation.
If this type of schedule fits your needs you may request a free barn chart from Safe-Guard by clicking HERE. Safe-Guard has taken the guess work out of the de-worming schedule for horse owners and caretakers based on seasonal parasite prevalence. There is some great information for horse owners about equine de-worming facts on the Get Rotation Right website.

My vet will be visiting soon and I will have another another fecal sample done to see how effective my program is working. You know you need to get out more often when you get excited about putting some manure in a plastic bag to send off to the lab!



EquineSpirit said...

GREAT post!! :)

Deanna said...

Thanks EquineSpirit!
